The SPI Photo Contest is going strong! We have received so many great pictures. Here is our December 2018 SPI Photo Contest Winner!
This lucky participant has just won a $100 gift certificate to Amazon!
*** DECEMBER 2018 WINNER ***

Congratulations to December’s photo contest winner, Darrell Vinson of TR Hodges. He submitted photos in various stages of spraying this vacuum truck with SPI’s HT-100F polyurea with AE-4 adhesion enhancer. HT-100F with AE-4 protects the vacuum truck from abrasion, and will stand up to possible chemicals encountered in the sludge. Great job and photos!
Darryl, your $100.00 Amazon Gift Card is on it’s way. Do you want to win too? Just send us your high resolution photo applying SPI foam or polyurea for your chance to win. Visit www.specialty-products.com for rules and regulations, or contact any SPI representative at 1.800.627.0773
Enter now to win the JANUARY 2019 contest CLICK HERE