These photos show a sidewalk slab lifting project, featuring the SPI low pressure gear (LPG) proportioner, and Eco-Rise 2.5 concrete lifting foam.
The homeowners were very pleased – check out their shout-out to SPI on Facebook below.
A small trailer has plenty of room for the LPG proportioner, Eco-Rise foam, and generator.
There were 2 slabs that needed lifting. This is the first, near the steps of the home, with almost 2″ of uneven cement.
Drilling the first slab begins in the affected corner, with a 5/8 bit attachment.
The drilling continues until it reaches full depth into the cavity below the slab.
As you can see, the the hole is very small, and after patched, will barely even be recognizable in the aggregate concrete.
A port is lightly hammered into the hole, to receive the tip of the foam pouring Lock ‘N Load gun.
The Eco-Rise 2.5 is pumped into the port in increments, until the slab begins to rise.
The second slab was just as sunken.
The hole is drilled for the second slab, and the process is repeated.
SPI staff looks on as Eco-Rise 2.5 is poured under the second slab.
(Left to Right: Chris Barlow (drilling), Ian Fleming, Lorr Lamphere, Chas Weatherford, Ann Rummelhart)
The finished sidewalk with even slabs. No more tripping for the homeowners!